Local News

Budget Considered, Bingman Appointed and Zoning Approved

During Monday’s Study Session, City Manager Joan Riley reviewed the proposed 2023-24 general budget for the City of Sapulpa. She estimated $29 million in expenditures and $27 million in revenue, with the largest contribution, $21 million, coming in from sales tax. This would leave an 8.9% general fund balance.

Budget Considered, Bingman Appointed and Zoning Approved Read More »

County Commissioners move forward on feasibility study for new county building

Chair Stephens said the study would first determine the needs of the Sheriff and Emergency Management, then it would factor in the cost of rehabilitating and remodeling the building versus erecting a new structure. If a new structure were deemed the most viable solution, the scope of the study would include determining the most suitable location.

County Commissioners move forward on feasibility study for new county building Read More »

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